Wednesday 22 November 2017

This summary is about acne .

  • acne is a revalant disease
  • it causes pimples 
  •  the pimples form on the face , nick ,back, chest, and shoulder 
  • it's common on teens and young adults.
  • it's caused by hormone change during the teenage years and pregnancy.
  • chocolate and greasy foods causes acne.
  • stress make the acne worse.
  • treatments include medicines and creams.


Wednesday 6 September 2017

Edith Cowan - Timeline

1861- born, Glengarry,Western Australia
1868- Edith's mum died
1876-  her adolescenes was shatterd
1876- married to James Cowan
1880-1891 have 4 doughters, 1 son
1890s - involved in vouluntary organizations
from 1894 -ministering children legue
1906 amember of children's protection societ
1909- women's service
1911- preminent in the creation of the western
1913- vice president
1916- open king edward memorial hospital for woman

Turning Points and Achievements - Maureen Watson

Turning points
At 21 she married Harold Bayles, a Wakka Wakka man from Eidsvold and in 197

Maureen with their family of five children moved to Brisbane


  • Maureen was a founding member of Indigenous organisations that include Radio Redfern and the Aboriginal people’s Galler
  • n 1996 she was awarded the Australia Council Red Ochre award in recognition
  • . She was a qualified and experienced Neuro-Linguistic Programming councillor. Her 

This summary is about acne . acne is a revalant disease it causes pimples   the pimples form on the face , nick ,back, chest, and shou...